지속가능그린디자인 연구실에서는
지도교수와 석 · 박사 대학원생, 학부연구생이
공동연구자로서 서로 존중하며 함께 연구를 수행합니다.
Minjung Kwak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor (2019 - Present)
Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering
Soongsil University, Korea
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (2012)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation title: Green Profit Design for Lifecycle
Advisor: Harrison M. Kim -
M.S. in Industrial Engineering (2007)
Seoul National University, Korea
Thesis title: An Eco-Architecture Based Approach for Supporting Design for Disassembly
Advisor: Y.S. Hong -
B.S. in Industrial Engineering (2005)
Seoul National University, Korea
Work Experiences
Assistant Professor (2013 - 2018)
Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering
Soongsil University, Korea -
Post-doctoral Researcher (2012 - 2013)
Dept. of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Introduction to Engineering Design (공학설계입문)
Product Development and Management (제품개발과 경영) -
Sustainable Green Design (지속가능 그린 디자인)
Special Topics in Design Analytics (디자인 애널리틱스 특론)
Curriculum Vitae
Jaewoo Bong
봉재우 학부연구생
Jiyeong Son
손지영 학부연구생
Jisoo Won
원지수 학부연구생